Monday, October 17, 2011

Coyote: Short Story

One day, Coyote was walking in the field. The sun was shining brightly that day, and Coyote felt very hot.

As he looked to the sky his eyes fell upon a distant cloud. "I would like my own cloud, it could shade me from the sun" Coyote said.

Suddenly a small cloud appeared above his head and made some shade for Coyote. But after a while Coyote was not satisfied.

He looked at the size of his cloud and dropped his head.

"I would like more clouds," he said. The cloud suddenly grew, and they turned darker. But Coyote was not satisfied.

“Even with these clouds it’s still too hot,” he said.

"How about some rain," said Coyote. The clouds began to sprinkle rain on Coyote. But Coyote was not satisfied.

"More rain," Coyote demanded. The rain became a downpour. But after a while Coyote was not satisfied.

"I would like a pool to put my feet in," said Coyote. So the rain from the clouds gathered into a pool beside him, and Coyote walked in it to cool off his feet. But Coyote was not satisfied.

"It should be deeper," said Coyote. The pool became a vast, sea. Coyote swam and played in the cool water. But soon became tired, suddenly he noticed that all the land was covered by the water.

Coyote said, “I’m done now, I want the water to disappear.” But the water did not disappear. Coyote began to howl and cry for the rain to stop and the water to reappear but the water remained.

Coyote grew even more tired and nearly drowned. But just then a wave came and scoped up Coyote and carried him across the sea and flung him upon the shore.

Coyote praised the heavens and never again asked for anything beyond what he need.

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